Wednesday 1 August 2007

Thank you

to All of you who have supported my art, I really appreciate it. Enjoy your AnnieOriginals!

Wednesday 27 June 2007

New Art From art about Peckham to the Namib Desert!

Londons airspace

Some time ago, when I was thinking about London I became aware of the need to pray for Londons airspace. this is what inspired this painting.

26 by 47 inches, oil on canvas


Detail of Londons airspace

Lady with shopping trolley
Detail of Lady with shopping trolley

Ek is Lief vir Peckham
Detail of Ek is lief vir Peckham


This work is not a straight forward monoprint. Printed tissue paper has been layered on a painted canvas background in order to create the final image.

Detail of Shadow

Shadow 2

Detail of shadow 2

Colours of the desert

Still available of my other work are the following pieces:

Mr Sock MMath CA

Mrs Sock on a night out

Organic underwear


Untitled still life

Tuesday 26 June 2007


Due to the unexpected demand for my prints I have decided to add some more prints and also some paintings to the sale. These will be uploaded in the next day or so.

Watch this space!

Sunday 10 June 2007

WHY the Annie Art Fair

Because of our imminent move to South Africa I have decided to sell some of my work.

The work is divided into the following sections of original work and all the pieces are £35 each:
Life drawing

Including the frame all the pieces are 42cm by 52cm.

If you are still interested, please keep reading. There is a brief biography, some information about mono-printing, and the work for sale.

The price includes the frame, although if you require the work without the frame, please let me know and I will let you know the amended price. Contact me at or on 07732 038 999, or leave me a message with a contact email/telephone number.

Information about Me - ANNIE

I have always been creative and was encouraged by my high school to attend the Northern Cape College of ART outside of school hours. Here I had the opportunity to undertake a course which was much like a foundation course, allowing me to explore ceramics, painting, printing, graphic art and art history.

Since coming to the UK I have had two solo exhibitions (2000 and 2003) at St Georges Hospital Tooting Broadway as part of the National Network for the Arts in Health I also took part in the Living London exhibition held at the London School of Fashion in central London in 2004. In addition to this I prepared a series of paintings for an exhibition put on by All Saints, Peckham, at Easter time 2005 called 'CROSS' These pieces are still available for viewing at the church. In 2003 I commenced a part time foundation course at Chelsea College of Art - University of the Arts London, and after just one year was accepted at Wimbledon College of Art (now part of the University of the Arts London). I was able to complete half of my degree before the arrival of my sons.

About Mono-print

Mono-prints are one of the most effective types of print. Although it seems simple, not everyone gets on with this sort of print. I personally love it as it is instant and one can use it on-site, it is a versatile sort of print and it also allows for the creation of quite detailed images.

The process is as follows:
  • Roll block print ink (slow drying ink) onto a perspex or glass sheet;
  • Ensure there is just the right amount of ink, too much ink and the print will be blotchy. Too little ink and you wont have a print at all;
  • Then place lightly on top of the ink a sheet of light weight paper - news print is the best;
  • then, using a pencil draw on the paper (bearing in mind that any writing will need to be reversed in order for the print to be readable) try ensure that only the tip of the pencil is in contact with the paper because wherever you press the ink will adhere to the paper.
  • Finally peel back the news print paper and dry your print.

Life Drawing

SOLD Life drawing 1 SOLD
Mono-print SOLD Life Drawing 2 SOLD